Carnarvon Fascine Entryway
Carnarvon’s central waterway, known as the Fascine, was named after an 1800’s building technique used to construct the embankment on the southern arm of the Gascoyne River.
The Carnarvon Fascine is important for flood protection, but it’s stately palm-tree lined waterfront vantage makes it a perfect spot for sunset views, picnic and other recreational uses.
Ocean access to the Fascine was historically via a dredged channel. In early 2017, a portion of Pelican Point sand spit that protected the entrance channel was overtopped by ocean swells resulting in the ocean entrance filling with sand and becoming completely blocked to all but the shallowest draught vessels. The closure of the waterway is impacting the Carnarvon economy and has rendered public amenities, including the public boat ramp facility, underutilised.

Carnarvon Fascine
The Commission spearheaded the ‘Fascine Entryway Project’ – aimed at finding a lasting solution to waterway access. A group of stakeholders, led by the Commission and including the Shire of Carnarvon, the Carnarvon Yacht Club and the Department of Transport looked at various solutions. Stakeholders agreed that the long-term volunteer-based dredging efforts could not be maintained.
The Commission secured funding in early 2020 to advance detailed planning for a solution to reinstate navigable access to the Carnarvon Fascine.
A qualitative options assessment and a cost benefit analysis were undertaken with the results indicating significant net economic returns for the region if access could be re-instated. Through these efforts, the Commission was able to secure significant State government funding.
On 7 August 2020 the Minister for Regional Development Hon. Alannah MacTiernan announced $7 million in funding for short-term access for boat users and the development of a long-term solution.
The Department of Transport are now the lead agency and project updates can be found on their website.
Seashore Engineering Fascine entrance channel planning study
Carnarvon Fascine Entryway Economic Evaluation