Regional Economic Development Grants

Round 7 applications are CLOSED.
Stories of Local Impact: Round 3 RED Grant recipient, Dive Ningaloo.
The Regional Economic Development Grants (RED Grants) program is a State Government initiative that is investing $55.85 million over nine years in locally driven projects to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia.
Delivered locally by the State's nine Regional Development Commissions, up to $250,000 is available for individual projects that contribute to increasing or sustaining jobs, expanding or diversifying industry, developing skills or capability, increasing business productivity and attracting new investment to the regions.
The grants will boost investment in local regional projects that contribute to population and economic growth initiatives and innovation pilots, and importantly, are driven by the community.
The RED Grants for the Gascoyne are delivered by the Gascoyne Development Commission with support from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).
For more information regarding RED Grants in the Gascoyne, please contact Courtney Whitehead on 9949 2090 or 0467 905 262.
The following documents will assist with your application.
Applications are assessed on a competitive basis within the region, alignment with the Gascoyne Development Commission's regional priorities and/or demonstration of an economic diversification and employment growth outcome:
- Growing primary production
- Aboriginal empowerment and prosperity
- Tourism
- Regional liveability
- Climate resilience and low carbon transition
Previous funding rounds
RED Grants Round 7
Round 7: Opened 24 April 2024 and closed 26 June 2024
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $1,239,073 in Round 7.
Exmouth Early Learning Centre
Exmouth Early Learning Centre: Stage 2
The Exmouth Early Learning Centre will open a new childcare and outside school hours care (OSHC) centre in January 2025, replacing the existing childcare centre in Exmouth that will cease operations in December 2024. The project will allow for the construction and fit out of 2 additional rooms, one specifically dedicated to OSHC, increasing the centre’s capacity by a further 17 children.
$ 217,350
In progress
Wula Gura Nyinda Eco Adventure Tours
Business Expansion: develop vacant land to create worker accommodation
The project will allow for the development of vacant land to create new accommodation for 4-8 new workers in Denham.
$ 212,723
In progress
Warroora Station
Warroora Café, Meeting Hub and Amenity Building
The project will refurbish Warroora Station’s 1980s shearing shed into a multifunctional space that will include customer service, retail, a café, meeting area and alfresco dining. The café will provide the only hospitality services within a radius of 60 km and will allow Warroora Station to accommodate large events including weddings and other functions.
In progress
Wooramel Pastoral Company
Birdrong Mineral Pool and Wellness Oasis at Wooramel River Retreat
The grant will allow Wooramel River Retreat to leverage their natural hot springs to create new experiences for visitors, including saunas, spas, a wellness centre, massage rooms and an Aboriginal cultural experience.
In progress
Coral Coast Dental Carnarvon
Coral Coast Dental Carnarvon
RED Grant funding will allow for the internal ft out and purchase of equipment to expand the dental practice.
In progress
Dust-Off Helicopter Maintenance Services
Turbine Helicopter Maintenance: purchase specialised tooling to diversify into helicopter turbine engine maintenance, expanding their services for the north-west of the state
Project funding will allow for the purchase of specialised tools and equipment to expand into helicopter turbine engine maintenance to service WA’s north-west.
$ 100,000
In progress
Gascoyne Food Council
DENBA: Cold Chain Innovation to Enhance Shelf-Life, Quality and Extended Marketability of Carnarvon Produce
RED Grant funding will be used to test the feasibility of new DENBA food storage technology, which uses unique water molecule re-activation to extend the freshness and quality of food and flowers.
$ 80,000
In progress
Ningaloo Harvest IGA
Ningaloo Harvest IGA Solar Energy
The project involves the installation of rooftop solar to Ningaloo Harvest IGA, significantly reducing their reliance on local grid power.
$ 50,000
In progress
ThothX Australia
Restoration of the OTC Dish
The RED Grant project involves the refurbishment of the Carnarvon Overseas Telecommunications Commission (OTC) dish. The dish refurbishment is a key step towards technical feasibility testing of a $10 million project to operate the dish for deep space orbit satellite observation, tracking and measurement.
$ 50,000
In progress
Xantha Studio
A Portable Visual Design and Recording Facility with Community Orientated Learning Courses in Exmouth, Western Australia.
The project will fund the purchase of equipment for video game design, music recording, photography, animation and 3D visual art studio production, alongside delivering a program of industry training and skills development to the local community.
$ 8,000
In progress
RED Grants Round 6
Round 6: Opened 5 May 2023 and closed 30 June 2023
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $548,090.91 in Round 6.
Shire of Shark Bay
Essential Worker Accommodation
The project will construct five new 3x2 houses in Denham, housing up to 10 essential workers and their families. Two of the houses will be allocated to the Shire for essential worker accommodation, with the remaining three houses set to be leased on a long-term basis by the Department of Communities as Government Regional Officers’ Housing (GROH).
In progress
The Birdcage Hair Exmouth
The Birdcage Salon Expansion Project
The grant will be used to refurbish a building within Exmouth’s commercial precinct, transforming it into the town’s largest holistic hair and beauty salon while also creating an additional four full-time jobs.
In progress
Gascoyne Plumbing Solutions Pty Ltd
Gascoyne Plumbing Solutions Expansion
The project involves the purchase and customisation of a trailer with wastewater and freshwater tanks, making Gascoyne Plumbing Solutions the only company that can transport potable water in the region.
In progress
ABC Foundation Ltd
Containers for Change Infrastructure Upgrade: Custom-Made Trailer
The project involves the purchase of a custom-made cage trailer to facilitate the collection of cans and bottles to and from sites and events across the Gascoyne region.
Project completed
Further information on this project
Exmouth Dental Pty Ltd
Provision of Relative Analgesia (RA) Sedation Equipment [Nitrous oxide "Happy gas"] for dental clients
The project will allow for the purchase of sedation equipment for the delivery of Nitrous oxide (Happy gas) to anxious dental patients, who would otherwise need to travel to Perth for anaesthesia.
In progress
RED Grants Round 5
Round 5: Opened 22 June 2022 and closed 24 August 2022
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $609,014 in Round 5.
Shire of Carnarvon
Carnarvon Essential Worker Accommodation
The project will build essential workforce accommodation in Carnarvon.
In progress
Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation
Jamba Nyinayi Festival Cardabia Station project
The project will construct new tourism infrastructure at Cardabia Station in Coral Bay to support their cultural arts, dance and a music festival coinciding with the 2023 Ningaloo Eclipse.
Project completed
Further information on the project
The Trustee for Ningaloo Holding Trust
Luxury sailing catamaran refit to facilitate new marine eco tour offering in Exmouth
The grant will refit Ningaloo Discovery’s sailing catamaran ‘Windcheetah’ to facilitate new marine eco tour offerings in Exmouth
Project completed
Further information on the project
A.Aiach & B.G Shepherd
Mutts Café expansion
Expansion of the Mutts Café to increase capacity and create a new burger restaurant.
Project completed
Further information on the project
Mallard Contracting Pty Ltd
Regional Office facility in Carnarvon
Construction of an office and storage facility to allow Mallard Contracting to expand Its operations in Carnarvon.
Project concluded
MT Boston Pty Ltd
Ozparagus: White asparagus production in the Gascoyne
The grant will support the production and harvest of white asparagus grown in Carnarvon.
Project completed
Further information on the project
Carnarvon Windfest Incorporated
Gascoyne Wind and Wave Series
The grant will support three wind and wave events in the Gascoyne region.
Project completed
Further information on the project
ABC Foundation Ltd
Containers for Change Infrastructure Upgrade: Can counting machine
The grant will allow for the purchase of a can counting machine to increase the efficiency of the Containers for Change Scheme in Carnarvon
Project completed
Further information on the project
RED Grants Round 4
Round 4: Opened 27 August 2021 and closed 21 October 2021
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $550,000 in Round 4.
Recipient |
Project |
Funding |
Status |
The Trustee for Jamie Morgan Family Trust |
Expansion of Shark Bay Marine Repairs and Services
The grant will allow for the expansion of Shark Bay Marine Repairs and Services to include indoor workspaces and worker accommodation.
$200,000 |
In progress |
North West Short Stay Pty Ltd
Ningaloo Commercial Laundry
To develop and fit out a commercial laundry in Exmouth. Providing a high-quality commercial laundry service to the wider Gascoyne region including Coral Bay and Carnarvon.
$150,000 |
Project concluded |
Shire Of Upper Gascoyne |
Gascoyne Junction Residential Subdivision - Stage 1
Subdivision of 10 un-serviced lots within Gascoyne Junction enabling the construction of new dwellings.
$100,000 |
In progress |
Valeria Lucchitto |
Taste of Italy
To construct a purpose-built commercial kitchen in which to expand an existing catering business.
$100,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
RED Grants Round 3
Round 3: Opened 12 May 2020 and closed 7 July 2020.
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $836,954 in Round 3.
Recipient |
Project |
Funding |
Status |
Dive Ningaloo |
Ningaloo Aggressor Refit
The project will refit a catamaran to provide for a new high-end tourism experience, where up to 18 people can live aboard for a week-long dive tour.
$200,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Abacus Fisheries Company Pty Ltd |
Innovation in Grading and Processing Automation and Improved Cold Chain Capacity
The grant will be used for the procurement of specialised cold chain and processing equipment to develop a sustainable cut crab product and value add to other seafood.
$200,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Coral Coast Helicopter Services Pty Ltd |
Construction of Aircraft Hangar and Facilitation of Aircraft Maintenance Organisation
The project will facilitate the construction of an aircraft hangar and workshop to provide a maintenance and engineering service to the region's growing aviation sector.
$170,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Miami Bay Holdings Pty Ltd |
Accommodation Renovation/Modernisation
The project will refurbish rooms at the resort to meet the growing demand for high-end accommodation in the region.
$90,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Exmouth Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Supporting a Diverse and Sustainable Business Region
The grant supported the fit-out of the Exmouth Business Centre, providing a physical space for local small business as well as visiting service providers to the area. The provision of shared services supports start-up businesses with a lower cost structure, and the presence of other businesses enhances collaboration and innovation.
$80,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
ABC Foundation Ltd |
Food for the Mob on Country Kitchen
The project involved the purchase of a custom-built food van to extend its mobile meal service and expand into event catering.
$39,204 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Shire of Exmouth |
Booking Platform
The grant will assist with the installation of a new program at the Exmouth Visitor Centre to generate efficiencies and increase local content.
$29,250 |
Project concluded |
Carnarvon Windfest Association |
Carnarvon Windfest 2021
The grant will provide support for the two-day windsurfing, kiteboarding and Windrush yacht festival, including marketing and equipment.
$25,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Gascoyne Growers Market |
Online Gascoyne Growers Market
The project will establish a website to promote local growers and the diversity of products on offer.
$3,500 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
RED Grants Round 2
Round 2: Opened 11 July 2019 and closed 13 September 2019.
Congratulations to the successful recipients who shared $1,251,500 in Round 2.
Recipient |
Project |
Funding |
Status |
Tidal Moon Pty Ltd |
Tidal Moon – Sea Cucumbers
The Tidal Moon Sea Cucumbers project is a collaboration with three Aboriginal communities, Mulgana (Shark Bay), Bayungu (Coral Bay / Exmouth) and Thalanyji (Onslow), aiming to develop a viable commercial sea cucumber business while maintaining cultural heritage and environmental stewardship.
$250,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Bullara Estates Pty Ltd |
Bullara Glamping and Camping Development
The project expanded the station’s capacity to accommodate guests, including high-end glamping tents and new affordable powered camping and caravan sites, along with new amenities including a Woolshed hub and café.
$203,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Ngala Children’s Services |
Shark Bay Early Years Multi-Age Complex
The project involved the construction of a new day care complex primarily to operate Education and Care and other community programs focusing on children up to five years.
$150,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Creality (formerly Gascoyne in May Inc) |
Gascoyne Travelling Arts
The project delivered 13 art events in the Gascoyne region, including one festival and a region wide conference, as well as several training programs in music, circus and sculpture making.
$140,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
South West Resorts Pty Ltd |
Denham Seaside Caravan Park Enhancement and Expansion
The project increased capacity and quality of caravanning and camping experiences available in Denham and the greater Shark Bay area, with an additional 49 new powered caravan and camping sites, new bathroom facilities, games room and campers’ kitchen.
$125,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Harvest Road Oceans Pty Ltd |
Massey Bay Oyster Farm
The project completed a successful trial on the commercial viability of producing juvenile Rock Oysters in Carnarvon. |
$125,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Mt Augustus Station (1980) Pty Ltd |
Putting Mt Augustus on the Map
The project involved the construction of a tourist park hub, housing a tavern and restaurant, reception area and retail space, as well as a commercial kitchen and information display area.
$100,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Tasmanian Blue Water Oysters Pty Ltd |
Exmouth Oysters
The Exmouth Oysters project is a three-year oyster growing trial in the Bay of Rest near Learmonth, which aims to prove the viability of growing the naturally-occurring Saccostrea species of oysters in the Exmouth area.
$83,500 |
Project completed |
Danver Holdings Pty Ltd |
Bumbak’s Preserves and Ice-creams
The project involved the fit out of a new processing plant and upgrades to the commercial kitchen. Their new premises on Bibbawarra Road is a highlight of Carnarvon’s ‘Fruit Loop’ Drive Trail.
$75,000 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
RED Grants Round 1
Round 1: Opened 14 September 2018 and closed 2 November 2018.
Congratulations to successful recipients who shared $361,904 in Round 1.
Recipient |
Project |
Funding |
Status |
Whalebone Brewing Co Pty Ltd |
Increased Production, Canning and Distribution
The purchase of a larger brewing system and labelling machine increased the brewing capacity to enable off-site distribution to local and statewide retailers.
$216,470 |
Project completed
Further information on the project
Dirk Hartog Island Distilleries Pty Ltd |
The Wirruwana Hub
The Wirruwana Hub is located on Dirk Hartog Island and has incorporated a visitor centre along with ‘The Inscription Bar & Café’. The Hub provides a gateway and meeting point for visitors and tour operators on their entry and exit to the National Park. It has enhanced the visitor experience and services on Dirk Hartog Island, providing the catalyst for significant tourism growth and further development.
$145,434 |
Project completed
Further information on the project