Timothy Bray

Tim has worked in the WA government and regional development since 2009 after a long career in relationship management in the corporate and government banking sector. He was appointed CEO of the Gascoyne Development Commission in May 2023.

Tim believes in the power and potential of the Gascoyne economy, its people and the special value of its beautiful environment and cultures. He knows that the opportunity to lead the Commission , to work with its dedicated and talented Board and staff, and help the region grow is one of the most rewarding challenges in regional development. Tim is passionate about building the services and opportunities for the Gascoyne that will see its people prosper and its towns grow as centres of vitality and promise, especially for young people.

Tim is an expert and experienced practitioner in strategic regional development and has led, designed, managed or contributed to dozens of strategic projects and initiatives in areas as diverse as housing, manufacturing, aboriginal economic development, aviation, construction, agriculture and education. Tim is a keen reader, developing poet, enthusiastic cook and persistent fisherman.  

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